
Hi guys! How is your day going? I hope it is fine!

To survive the courses we use websites like a life tool and sometimes we use ones more than others. I don’t have a website that I usually visit but I have a youtube channel that I usually use to watch a lot of their videos. The account it’s called “TvAgro”.

They have a really good videos like “How is the strawberry production under macrotunnels” or “How Jersey Breed genetic improvement works”. Usually I see videos of this channel in my free time because I think they are very interesting and is good to keep me informed about related subjects with my career.

There is one video that I really like called “What is the management of biological controllers in sugarcane”. This one was specifically useful to me because I have a course in which we talk about this topic and helped me to have other vision about it.

Here I leave you the link of the youtube channel → Tv agro channel
Do you have a website that you visit frequently?
Have a great week!
See ya!


  1. Is a really interesting website, has a lot of explanatory videos in every area of agriculture


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