
Hello! How are you? I’m finally ended the tests so I can take a rest for a little bit jaja until the next round of test start.

Photos! Who isn’t taken a photo in his life? For the people in the last generations we can say that everyone have take a photo . It’s almost ridiculous think about someone who hasn't take a photo.
I’m always taken photos for upload on instagram, but most of landscape and some selfies jaja. I have a group of friends who we meet sometimes to takes us photos with a professional camera just for fun. It’s our excuse for hang out.

Have I a favorite photo? I don’t think that I have one in particularity, but the photos that I really love are the ones with my friends and of my baby (4 years old jaja) dog .
The first picture are of my first friend in this career (from the left to right: Joaquín, Matías, Javiera, myself). The next one it’s when we make a trip to the beach in the last week of the past semester. The last one is my beautiful dog Lily <3.

Are you more of selfies or regular photos? Or not photos at all?

See ya!


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