
Hello guys! How is your week going? I hope it is fine :)  The subject that bring us today to write it’s Permaculture.  Do you know what permaculture is? Because I didn’t know what is was until today jaja

I have found a big exponent of permaculture. She is Rosemary Morrow. She even writes a book about this called “Earth User's Guide to Teaching Permaculture”. According to her permaculture is
“a powerful tool for creating systems that meet our human needs but also support the ecosystem as a whole”. This gives me an idea about this topic.

Then I saw the video “7 food forest in 7 minutes with Geoff Lawton” and I could understand more about it. In the video he show us permaculture but in the field. Not just as a concept. He explained the stages of his own field made by this idea.

I think this it’s very interesting especially about the actual situation of food production and we need to improve this kinds of ideas with this kind of potential.

What do you think?

See ya!


  1. I think that in way of ecological matter is the best, but about if this productive or not or if this is applicable to all the ecosystem create a great question about permaculuture


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