Future or past?

Hi guys! I hope you are all having a nice week :)

I've always thought that I would love to travel in time to the past but sometimes I watch videos of the technology that we have nowadays I can't help but be curious about what to expect about our future.

That’s why I would LOVE to travel to the FUTURE.

I don’t know how many years in the future. Could be 15 years or 100 years! The technology is progressing at a rythm so impressive so I think 15 years in the future I will be able to see a significant change on our society. But 100 years?! Maybe we will be here or maybe we won't because of climate change or wars or anything. So if I travel to 2122 I could find and amazing society, a dead planet or even our civilization living in other planets! That would be amazing! But is waaay more risky than 15 years into the future.

Even if I find something so good I could never stay there. I couldn’t leave my family because I would miss them so much and we are pretty close <3. But I would love to go to the future and come back so I can tell them all that I saw and lived there.

What about you guys? Future or past? Have a nice day!



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