Laptop or phone?

Hello again! 
~This days when the semester is getting more difficult we deppend so much on the technology for simples actions like just read a file or recieve the grades of some controls or tests.

~What technology do I like to use? 

First of all this days my life it is like just turns around the study so the technology i will pick is something related with this.

~Well... a while ago I really would have chosen the phone but today I choose the laptop computer.


If I use the phone for study I will spend all my time on the social media or playing any game and I never get focus. And if i use the laptop I can put my phone in airplane mode and leave it away. With the laptop is more easy for me read the texts, download the clasess and save them is folders by subjects. I like to have my files in order jaja and is more easy with the computer.

~I not use the computer only for study of course! I really like to watch series and movies and listen to music in my free time. 

And what technology do you prefer? 

Tell me in the comments!

See ya!


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