
Hi guys! How is your day going? I hope it is fine!
In this post I will share with you information about me. Waiting for you all can get know me better!
The day i was born was a raining saturday of June in 1997, specifficaly the day 7. I have a small family, just my parents, my older sister and my four year old dog. Our dog is the baby of the family. Everyone love her so much and she give us joy, hapinnes and so much love.
I'm vegetarian since two month ago and I'm very happy with my choice.
I'm in the third year of agriculture in Universidad de Chile and I'm very happy with the carreer. I would look at myself as a child and be proud.
In my free time I used to see movies o tv shows. I really like them. Especially the cience fictions ones.

I leave a picture of my dog accompanying me to take tea!
See ya!


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